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  1. Ding-Sheng Jiang, Xiao-Tong Peng, Wen-Jing Xu, Xia Hu, Saskia Erdmann, Xi-Sheng Xu, Guo-Liang Zhang, Chong-Jin Pang, Hao-Chen Duan, Fang Huang*, 2024. Rubidium isotopes reveal dehydration and melting of the subducting slab beneath the Mariana arc. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 646:118978.下载,项目介绍

  2. Chuanyu Chang*, Ruirui Wang, Liqiang Xu*, Zhenjie Zhao, Wenhan Cheng, Jihua Hao, Fang Huang, 2024. Historical co-enrichment, source attribution, and risk assessment of critical nutrients and heavy metal/metalloids in lake sediments: insights from Chaohu Lake, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 46:390.下载

  3. Meng Cheng, Wei Wei, Xinyang Chen, Haiyang Wang, Lianjun Feng, Zhenbing She, Yong Fu, Thomas J. Algeo, Fang Huang*, Chao Li*, 2024. Active methane release from the early Cambrian seafloor? Clues from Ba isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 653, 112399.下载

  4. Zhenwu Chen, Xin Ding*, Guo-Liang Zhang, Fang Huang, 2024. Vanadium isotope records of the transformation from carbonated melt to alkali basalt. Chemical Geology, 667:122329.下载

  5. Shubin Fang, Jian Huang*, Lukáš Ackerman, Xingchao Zhang, Fang Huang, 2024. Copper migration and enrichment in the mantle wedge: Insights from orogenic peridotites and pyroxenites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 380: 83-95.下载

  6. Lin-Hui Dong, Wei Wei*, Lingang Xu, Yi-Bo Lin, Ze-Rui Liu, Songqi Pan, Zhenhua Jing, Fang Huang, 2024. Vanadium isotope evidence for seawater contribution to V enrichment/mineralization in early Cambrian metalliferous black shales. Science Bulletin, 69(8): 1006-1010.下载

  7. 卫炜*, 隋佩珊, 陈婷婷, 黄方, 2024. 新元古代氧化事件驱动海洋Ba循环变化 . 高校地质学报, 30(3): 288-296.下载

  8. Wei Wei*, Lin-Hui Dong, Shuhai Xiao, Yi- Bo Lin, Lingang Xu, Guang-Yi Wei, Wenzhong Wang, Lan-Lan Tian, Hai-Zhen Wei, Fang Huang*, 2024. Seawater barium and sulfide removal improved marine habitability for the Cambrian Explosion of early animals. National Science Review, nwae237.下载,项目介绍

  9. Ren-Zhi Zhu*, Mike Fowler, Fang Huang, Emilie Bruand, Xiao-Jun Wang, Li-Hui Chen, Craig Storey, Jiyuan Yin, Shaocong Lai, 2024. Barium-Mg isotopes in high Ba-Sr granites record a melt-metasomatized mantle source and crustal growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, undefined:undefined.下载

  10. Xingchao Zhang, Limei Tang, Jianghui Du, Brian A. Haley, James McManus, Xia Hu, Fang Huang*, 2024. The Rb isotope composition of modern seawater and outputs to deep-sea sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 642:118858.下载,项目介绍

  11. Deng G., Jiang D., Li G., Xu Z., Huang F.*, 2024. Barium isotope evidence for a magmatic fluid-dominated petrogenesis of LCT-type pegmatites. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 14-20.下载,项目介绍

  12. Bing Xiao, Huayong Chen*, Fang Huang, Yuzhou Feng, Xia Hu, Rucao Li, 2024. Iron, boron, and sulfur isotope constraints on the ore-forming process of subseafloor replacement-style volcanogenic massive sulfide systems. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 136(3-4):1037–1049.下载

  13. Wei-Xin Lv, Meng-Shu Liu, Yonghua Cao, Christina Yan Wang, Fang Huang, Xin Ding*, 2024. Formation of layered intrusion: A perspective from vanadium isotopes. Lithos, In Press:107699.下载,项目介绍

  14. Yuan Fang, QiuYu Wen, Zi Cong Xiao, Hui Min Yu, Fang Huang*, 2024. High-precision measurement of Ag isotopes for silicate rocks by MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Accept.下载,项目介绍

  15. 胡霞, 邓庚辛, 陈栩琦, 盛佳儒, 黄方*, 2024. 金属稳定同位素示踪关键金属的运移和超常富集. 地质学报, 98.下载

  16. Sijie Wang, Jinting Kang, Xin Ding, M.R. Perfit, V.D. Wanless, Fang Huang*, 2024. Magnesium isotope behavior in oceanic magmatic systems: Constraints from mid-ocean ridge lavas from the East Pacific Rise. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 638:118739.下载,项目介绍

  17. Lu-Lu Hao*, Qiang Wang, Andrew C. Kerr, Fang Huang, Ming Xiao, Xiao-Long Ma, Wan-Feng Zhang, Wen-Yu Wang, Mao-Rui Liu, 2024. Andesitic arc magmas derived from two contrasting mélange origins: Evidence from central Tibetan dioritic porphyries. Chemical Geology, 650:121920.下载

  18. Jia-Wei Xiong, Yi-Xiang Chen*, Marco Scambelluri, Xin-Yue Qiao, Yu Chen, Fang Huang, Donato Belmonte, Zi-Fu Zhao, 2024. Fluid-metasomatized rocks with extremely low δ26Mg values in subducted oceanic lithosphere: Implications for mantle Mg isotope heterogeneity and the origin of low-δ26Mg magmas. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 371:111-125.下载

  19. Chang Nie, Jin-Ting Kang*, Yun Jiang, Si-Jie Wang, Fang Huang, Wei-Biao Hsu, 2024. Effect of terrestrial weathering on stable Sr and Ba isotope compositions of eucrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 372:28-41.下载

  20. Yuxiang Zhang*, Yunchao Shu, Simon Turner, Zuxing Chen, Zhigang Zeng*, Fang Huang, 2024. Deciphering Contribution of Recycled Altered Oceanic Crust to Arc Magmas Using Ba-Sr-Nd Isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129:e2023JB028407.下载

  21. Haochen Duan, Fang Huang*, 2024. Equilibrium indium isotope fractionation between indium-bearing minerals: Insights from first-principles calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 369:51-61.下载

  22. Ding-Sheng Jiang, Xi-Sheng Xu*, Saskia Erdmann, Geng-Xin Deng, Xiao-Jun Wang, M.N. Muhtar, Fang Huang, 2024. Ba-Mg isotopic evidence from an OIB-type diabase for a big mantle wedge beneath East Asia in the Early Cretaceous. Chemical Geology, 646:121917.下载

  23. Shuang Yan, He-Cai Niu*, Zhenhua Zhao, Ning-bo Li, Wu-bin Yang, Renjie Zhou, Yajun An, Fang Huang*, 2024. Extremely low δ56Fe in arc tholeiites linked to ferrocarbonate recycling: Implications for Fe enrichment in the Awulale Arc, Central Asia. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 136(1-2):184–200.下载

  24. Long-Fei Gou, Fang Huang, Shouye Yang, Gangjian Wei, Zhi-Qi Zhao, Zhangdong Jin*, 2024. Cation isotopes trace chemical weathering. Fundamental Research, Article in press.下载

  25. Xue-Li Li, Yi-Xiang Chen*, Kun Zhou, Jia-Wei Xiong, Attila Demény, Hans-Peter Schertl, Fang Huang, 2024. Iron mobility in subduction zone fluids at forearc depths and implications for mantle redox heterogeneity. Chemical Geology, 644:121879.下载

  26. Hui-Min Yu*, Zhen Shi, Yi-Xiang Chen, Hans-Peter Schertl, Bao-Liang Wang, Fang Huang, 2024. Fluid metasomatism of subducted continental crust: Insights from Si isotope compositions of metasomatic rocks from the Western and Eastern Alps. Lithos, 470-471:107503.下载

  27. Xiuqing Yang*, Jingwen Mao, Rongxi Li, Fang Huang, Chong He, Chao Zhao, Wei Wei, Guowei Yang, Yijun Xiong, Simon W. Poulton, 2024. Fluctuating oxygenation and dynamic iron cycling in the late Paleoproterozoic ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 626:118554.下载

  28. 2023

  29. Wei Wei*, Xi Chen, Hong-Fei Ling, Fei Wu, Lin-Hui Dong, Songqi Pan, Zhenhua Jing, Fang Huang, 2023. Vanadium isotope evidence for widespread marine oxygenation from the late Ediacaran to early Cambrian. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 602: 117942.下载

  30. Anxia Chen, Yi-Xiang Chen*, Xiaofeng Gu, Zhen Zeng, Zicong Xiao, Hans- Peter Schertl, Xiqiu Han, Zi-Fu Zhao, Fang Huang, 2023. Barium isotope behavior during interaction between serpentinite-derived fluids and metamorphic rocks in the continental subduction zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 353:61-75.下载

  31. An-Xia Chen, Xi Chen , Yi Chen, Xi-Qiu Han, Ye-Jian Wang, Fang Huang*, 2023. Low-δ56Fe fluid released from serpentinite as recorded by iron isotopes of Myanmar jadeitites. Chemical Geology, 639:121730.下载

  32. Wen-Yu Wang, Jin-Ting Kang, Fang Huang, 2023. How precise and how accurate can magnesium isotope analysis be by the sample-standard bracketing method?. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 491:117102.下载

  33. Rui Guo, Hui-Min Yu*, Shu-Bin Fang, Zi-Cong Xiao, Fang Huang, 2023. Iron, Copper and Zinc Isotope Compositions of Biological Reference Materials Determined by MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38:2365-2377.下载

  34. Baoliang Wang*, Frederic Moynier, Matthew G. Jackson, Fang Huang, Xia Hu, Sæmundur Ari Halldórsson, Wei Dai, Gabriel Devos, , 2023. Rubidium isotopic fractionation during magmatic processes and the composition of the bulk silicate Earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 354:38-50.下载

  35. Jiaru Sheng, Siqi Li, Jeremy D. Owens, Xiangli Wang, Yong Wei, Guodong Ming, Fang Huang*, 2023. δ238U of Coal Reference Materials Determined by MC-ICP-MS. Geostandards & Geoanalytical Research, 48:289-299.下载

  36. Zhenwu Chen, Xin Ding*, Ekaterina S. Kiseeva, Xiaobao Lin, Jian Huang, Fang Huang, 2023. Vanadium isotope fractionation of alkali basalts during mantle melting. Lithos, 442-443:107082.下载

  37. Xiao-Yun Nan, Fei Wu, Hui-Min Yu*, Jin-Ting Kang, Yong-Jun Gao, Fang Huang, 2023. Barium isotope compositions of altered oceanic crust from the IODP Site 1256 at the East Pacific rise. Chemical Geology, 641:121778.下载

  38. Xiaohua Li, Zhen Zeng, Yi Liu*, Chuan‐Chou Shen, Ruoyu Sun, Ching‐Chih Chang, Weidong Sun, Hui‐Min Yu, Fang Huang, Chung‐Che Wu, Tsai‐Luen Yu, Chun‐Yuan Huang, Hong‐Wei Chiang*, 2023. Coral Record of Increased Soil Erosion Since East and Southeast Asia Economic Boom. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(3):e2022JC019397.下载

  39. Ling-Zhi Hu, Jin-Ting Kang*, Yu-Han Qi, Yong-Jun Gao, Xiao-Yun Nan, Jian Huang, Fang Huang, 2023. Calcium isotope systematics of altered oceanic crust at IODP site 1256: Insights into the hydrothermal alteration. Lithos, 438:106994.下载

  40. Yi-Ming Ju, Fang Huang, Xin Ding*, Li-Bo Mao*, Shu-Hong Yu*, 2023. Phase transformation-induced Mg isotope fractionation in Mg-mediated CaCO3 mineralization. Nano Research, 16:3597–3602.下载

  41. Juan Xu, Wang-Ye Li, Xiao-Feng Gu*, Hui-Min Yu, Xiao-Yun Nan, Yi-Xiang Chen, Fang Huang, 2023. Barium isotope fractionation during slab dehydration: Records from an eclogite-quartz vein system in Dabie orogen. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 343:272-285.下载

  42. Yun Jiang, Jinting Kang, Shiyong Liao, Stephen M Elardo, Keqing Zong, Sijie Wang, Chang Nie, Peiyi Li, Zongjun Yin, Fang Huang, Weibiao Hsu, 2023. Fe and Mg Isotope compositions Indicate a Hybrid Mantle Source for Young Chang'E 5 Mare Basalts. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 945(2): L26.下载

  43. Long Li*, Yuhan Qi, Yunzhe Chen, Kan Li, Fang Huang, Pierre Cartigny, , 2023. Nitrogen isotopic insight into sediment recycling in the southern Lesser Antilles arc: Implication to subduction-zone nitrogen recycling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 619:118307.下载

  44. Li Fang, Shengqiang Luo, Wenli Zhou, Chunxin Wang, Zhengyao Jin, Fang Huang, Anchuan Fan*, 2023. Counterfeiting activities during the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE) revealed by the special alloy coins in the Chenzhou hoard, Hunan, China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 49:103942.下载

  45. Haochen Duan, Bo Yang, Fang Huang*, 2023. Site-specific isotope effect: Insights from equilibrium magnesium isotope fractionation in mantle minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 357:13-25.下载

  46. Songxiong Zhong, Liping Fang, Xiaomin Li, Tongxu Liu, Pei Wang, Ruichuan Gao, Guojun Chen, Haoming Yin, Yang Yang, Fang Huang, Fangbai Li*, 2023. Roles of Chloride and Sulfate Ions in Controlling Cadmium Transport in a Soil-Rice System as Evidenced by the Cd Isotope Fingerprint. Environmental Science & Technology, 57:17920-17929.下载

  47. Mei-Shan Zhao, Yi-Xiang Chen*, Jia-Wei Xiong, Xin-Yue Qiao, Yong-Fei Zheng, Wen-Yong Duan, Fang Huang, Zi-Fu Zhao, 2023. Magnesium–oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of rodingites in oceanic lithosphere. Chemical Geology, 635:121612.下载

  48. Lan-Lan Tian, Wei Wei*, Lin-Hui Dong, Songqi Pan, Zhenhua Jing, Fang Huang, 2023. Diagenetic effect on barium isotope compositions of barites in the lower Cambrian successions. Chemical Geology, 635:121631.下载

  49. Xin Gao, Wei Yuan, Jiubin Chen, Fang Huang, Zhengrong Wang, Yifei Gong, Yuanming Zhang, Yi Liu, Tong Zhang, Wang Zheng*, 2023. Tracing the source and transport of Hg during pedogenesis in strongly weathered tropical soil using Hg isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 361:101-112.下载

  50. Songxiong Zhong, Tongxu Liu, Xiaomin Li, Meilin Yin, Haoming Yin, Hui Tong, Fang Huang, Fangbai Li*, 2023. Cd isotope fractionation in a soil-rice system: Roles of pH and mineral transformation during Cd immobilization and migration processes. Science of The Total Environment, 900: 166435.下载

  51. Zongbin Zhang, Haofan Jiang, Pengcheng Ju, Lu Pan, Joti Rouillard, Gentao Zhou, Fang Huang, Jihua Hao*, , 2023. Evaluating the abiotic synthesis potential and the stability of building blocks of life beneath an impact-induced steam atmosphere. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14:1032073.下载

  52. Yuan Fang, Hui-Min Yu, Lie-Wen Xie, Shu-Bin Fang, Fang Huang, Wang-Ye Li*, 2023. A new potential natural chalcopyrite reference material for in situ copper isotope microanalysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38: 1626-1633.下载

  53. Zhiwei He*, Yuan Li, Zhenhui Hou, Fang Huang*, 2023. Crystal vs. melt compositional effects on the partitioning of the first-row transition and high field strength elements between clinopyroxene and silicic, alkaline, aluminous melts. American Mineralogist, 108:1924-1939.下载

  54. Xia Tong-Yan, Sun Wei-Wei, Sven Ebser, Jiang Wei, Yang Guo-Ming, Zhu Hui-Min, Fu Yun-Chong, Huang Fang, Ming Guo-Dong, Xia Tian*, Lu Zheng-Tian*, 2023. Atom-trap trace analysis of 41Ca/Ca down to the 10–17 level. Nature Physics, 19: 904-908.下载

  55. Xiao Zi-Cong, Wang Wen-Zhong, Gu Xiao-Feng, Deng Geng-Xin, Wu Zhong-Qing, Nan Xiao-Yun, Huang Fang*, 2023. First-principles calculations of equilibrium barium isotope fractionation among silicate minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 360:163-174.下载

  56. 梅奥新, 蒋云, 廖世勇, 康晋霆, 黄方*, 徐伟彪*, 2023. 嫦娥五号月壤中富KREEP角砾岩及其意义. 中国科学: 地球科学, 53.下载

  57. Hui-Min Yu*, Lin Yang, Guo-Liang Zhang, Fang Huang, , 2023. Silicon isotopic compositions of altered Oceanic crust samples from IODP U1365 and U1368: Effect of low-temperature seawater alteration. Chemical Geology, 624:121424.下载

  58. Ruirui Wang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Wenhan Cheng, Chuanyu Chang, Xiaoyuan Song*, Fang Huang*, , 2023. Cadmium accumulation and isotope fractionation in typical protozoa Tetrahymena: A new perspective on remediation of Cd pollution in wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 454:131517.下载

  59. Songxiong Zhong, Xiaomin Li, Fangbai Li*, Dandan Pan, Tongxu Liu, Yingmei Huang, Qi Wang, Haoming Yin, Fang Huang, , 2023. Cadmium isotope fractionation and gene expression evidence for tracking sources of Cd in grains during grain filling in a soil-rice system. Science of The Total Environment, 873:162325.下载

  60. Yongli Xue, Jinting Kang*, Shiyong Liao, Runlian Pang, Huimin Yu, Zifu Zhao, Zhaofeng Zhang, Bingkui Miao, Weibiao Hsu, Fang Huang, , 2023. Calcium isotope constraints on the origin of eucrites and diogenites: The role of magma ocean and magmatism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 613:118171.下载

  61. Shengyu Tian, Xin Ding, Yuhan Qi, Fei Wu, Yue Cai, Richard M. Gaschnig, Zicong Xiao, Weixin Lv, Roberta L. Rudnick*, Fang Huang*, 2023. Dominance of felsic continental crust on Earth after 3 billion years ago is recorded by vanadium isotopes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120:e2220563120.下载

  62. Wenzhong Wang*, Zhongqing Wu, Shichun Huang, Fang Huang, 2023. First-principles investigation of equilibrium magnesium isotope fractionation among mantle minerals: Review and new data. Earth-Science Reviews, 237:104315.下载

  63. Mei-Shan Zhao, Yi-Xiang Chen*, Jia-Wei Xiong, Yong-Fei Zheng, Xiang-Ping Zha, Fang Huang, 2023. Element mobility and Mg isotope fractionation during peridotite serpentinization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 340:21-37.下载

  64. 2022

  65. Wenli Liang, Jian Huang*, Guibin Zhang, Fang Huang, , 2022. Iron isotopic fractionation during eclogite anatexis and adakitic melt evolution: insights into garnet effect on Fe isotopic variations in high-silica igneous rocks. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177(33).下载,项目介绍

  66. Guangliang Wu, Jian-Ming Zhu*, Xiangli Wang, Thomas M. Johnson, Yongsheng He, Fang Huang, Lian-Xun Wang, Shao-Cong Lai, , 2022. Nickel isotopic composition of the upper continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 332:263-284.下载

  67. Yifan Qiu, Liping Qin, Fang Huang, Taiping Zhao, Yiliang Li, 2022. Early prosperity of iron bacteria at the end of the Paleoproterozoic era. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(9):e2022GL097877.下载

  68. Jian Huang*, Jin-Xiang Huang, William L. Griffin, Fang Huang, 2022. Zn-, Mg- and O-isotope evidence for the origin of mantle eclogites from Roberts Victor kimberlite (Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa). Geology, 50(5):593–597.下载,项目介绍

  69. Xiao-Yun Nan*, Hui-Min Yu, Jin-Ting Kang, Fang Huang, 2022. Re-visiting barium isotope compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts and the implications.. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 52(3):1.下载,项目介绍

  70. He-Zhi Ma, Yi-Xiang Chen*, Kun Zhou, Peng Gao, Yong-Fei Zheng, Xiang-Ping Zha, Xiao-Ping Xia, Zi-Fu Zhao, Fang Huang, 2022. The effect of crystal fractionation on the geochemical composition of syn-exhumation magmas: Implication for the formation of high δ56Fe granites in collisional orogens. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 332:156-185.下载

  71. Yu Liu, Xian-Hua Li*, Paul S. Savage, Guo-Qiang Tang, Qiu-Li Li, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang, 2022. New Quartz And Zircon Si Isotopic Reference Materials For Precise And Accurate SIMS Isotopic Microanalysis. Atomic Spectroscopy, 43(2):99-106.下载

  72. Ruixia Bai*, Matthew G. Jackson, Fang Huang, Frederic Moynier, Gabriel Devos, Sæmundur A. Halldórsson, Lorraine Lisiecki, Haoming Yin, Yihang Peng, Xiaoyun Nan, , 2022. Barium isotopes in ocean island basalts as tracers of mantle processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 336:436-447.下载,项目介绍

  73. Shenghua Zhang, Wen Zhang, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang, Chao Wang, Tao Luo, Yongsheng Liu, Zhaochu Hu, 2022. Accurate determination of Ba isotope ratios in barite samples by LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37:2637-2646.下载

  74. H Yin, J Lin, H Yu, F Huang, 2022. Determination Of Sr Isotope Ratios In Biogenic Carbonates Using LA–MC-ICP–MS: A Case Study Of Chinese Mitten Crabs. Atomic Spectroscopy, 44:437-442.下载

  75. Tong Zhang, Linchong Sun, Yijie Hao, Caixia Suo, Shengqi Shen, Haoran Wei, Wenhao Ma, Pinggen Zhang, Ting Wang, Xuemei Gu, Shi-Ting Li, Zhaolin Chen, Ronghui Yan, Yi Zhang, Yongping Cai, Rongbin Zhou, Weidong Jia, Fang Huang, Ping Gao*, Huafeng Zhang*, 2022. ENO1 suppresses cancer cell ferroptosis by degrading the mRNA of iron regulatory protein 1. Nature Cancer, 3:75-89.下载

  76. Hongkun Dai*, Jianping Zheng, Qing Xiong, William L. Griffin, jin-xiang huang, Fang Huang, Suzanne Yvette O'Reilly, , 2022. Phantom recycled carbonates and mantle pyroxenites: insight from the low-δ26Mg intraplate basaltic province across central-eastern Asia. Authorea, 10512814.下载

  77. Ding-Sheng Jiang, Saskia Erdmann, Geng-Xin Deng, Hai-Hao Guo, Fei Wu, Xi-Sheng Xu, Hang Xu, Zi-Fu Zhao, Fang Huang*, 2022. Barium isotope evidence for the generation of peralkaline granites from a fluid-metasomatized crustal source. Chemical Geology, 614:121197.下载

  78. Xiaotong Wu, Fengshou Ji, Xiaolei Zhang, Fen Wang, Fanzhen Feng, Qingyu Lu, Shijie Zhao, Yunyi Zhang, Chen Wang, Fang Huang, Xingxiang Zhang*, 2022. Geochemical evidence reveals a long-distance trade of white pottery in Neolithic China 5,000 years ago. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 44:103533.下载

  79. Guo-Chao Sun, Li-Qun Dai, Zi-Fu Zhao*, Ren-Xu Chen, Fang Huang, , 2022. Heterogeneous orogenic lithospheric mantle beneath the North Qaidam orogen: Geochemical evidence from syn-exhumation and post-collisional mafic magmatic rocks. Lithos, 428-429:106841.下载

  80. Shu-Bin Fang, Jian Huang*, Xing-Chao Zhang, Dmitri A. Ionov, Zi-Fu Zhao, Fang Huang, 2022. Zinc isotope fractionation in mantle rocks and minerals, and a revised δ66Zn value for the Bulk Silicate Earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 338:79-92.下载

  81. Yunchao Shu*, Guo-Liang Zhang*, Lan-Lan Tian, Fang Huang, 2022. Constraints of barium isotopes on recycling of ancient oceanic crust in the mantle of the South China Sea. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 429:107608.下载

  82. Xia Hu, Xiaoyun Nan, Xiaochi Liu, Fang Huang*, 2022. Rubidium isotope compositions of the average upper continental crust and the Himalayan leucogranites: implications for magmatic-fluid interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 336:165-176.下载,项目介绍

  83. Hui-Min Yu*, Xiao-Yun Nan, Fei Wu, Elisabeth Widom, Wang-Ye Li, David Kuentz, Fang Huang, 2022. Barium isotope evidence of a fluid-metasomatized mantle component in the source of Azores OIB. Chemical Geology, 610 (2022): 121097.下载,项目介绍

  84. 黄方*, 于慧敏, 南晓云, 古晓锋, 吴非, 肖子聪, 白瑞霞, 方林茹. , 2022. 地幔的Ba同位素地球化学. 岩石学报, 38(12):3659-3672.下载

  85. Z. Luo, A. C. Fan*, Z. Y. Jin*, L. Liu, Y. Li, Z. Y. Fan, X. Y. Wu, M. Yang, F. Huang, 2022. Scientific Analysis and Research on the Warring States Bronze Mirrors Unearthed from Changsha Chu Cemetery, Hunan Province, China. Archaeometry, 64:1187-1201.下载

  86. Zi-Cong Xiao, Chen Zhou, Jin-Ting Kang*, Zhong-Qing Wu, Fang Huang, 2022. The factors controlling equilibrium inter-mineral Ca isotope fractionation: insights from first-principles calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 333:373-389.下载,项目介绍

  87. Gengxin Deng, Dingsheng Jiang, Rongqing Zhang, Jian Huang, Xingchao Zhang, Fang Huang*, , 2022. Barium isotopes reveal the role of deep magmatic fluids in magmatic-hydrothermal evolution and tin enrichment in granites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594:117724.下载

  88. Lu-Lu Hao, Qiang Wang*, Andrew C. Kerr, Gang-Jian Wei, Fang Huang, Miao-Yan Zhang, Yue Qi, Lin Ma, Xue-Fei Chen, Ya-Nan Yang, , 2022. Contribution of continental subduction to very light B isotope signatures in post-collisional magmas: Evidence from southern Tibetan ultrapotassic rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584:117508.下载

  89. Xu-Qi Chen, Zhen Zeng, Hui-Min Yu, Nan Sun, Fang Huang*, , 2022. Precise measurements of δ88/86Sr for twenty geological reference materials by double-spike MC-ICP-MS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 479:116883.下载

  90. Rui-Rui Wang, Hui-Min Yu*, Wen-Han Cheng, Yu-Chen Liu, Gan-Lin Zhang, De-Cheng Li, Fang Huang, 2022. Copper migration and isotope fractionation in a typical paddy soil profile of the Yangtze Delta. Science of The Total Environment, 821:153201.下载,项目介绍

  91. Xingchao Zhang, Jian Huang*, Yingzeng Gong, Lili Zhang, Fang Huang, 2022. Climate influence on zinc isotope variations in a loess–paleosol sequence of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 321:115-132.下载,项目介绍

  92. Wei Yuan, Yingzeng Gong, Jiubin Chen*, Zhengrong Wang, Fang Huang, Xiaojuan Yang, Benjamin Chetelat, Henry Teng, Jacques Schott, , 2022. Gallium isotope constraints on the intense weathering of basalt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 333:22-38.下载

  93. Yunchao Shu*, Sune G. Nielsen*, Veronique Le Roux, Jerzy Blusztajn, Shun Guo, Fang Huang, 2022. Thallium isotope compositions of subduction-zone fluids: Insights from ultra-high pressure eclogites and veins in the Dabie terrane, eastern China. Chemical Geology, 599:120843.下载

  94. Linru Fang*, Frederic Moynier, Fang Huang, Gengxin Deng, Lanlan Tian, , 2022. Barium stable isotopic composition of chondrites and its implication for the Earth. Chemical Geology, 604:120923.下载

  95. Nan Sun, Xu-Qi Chen, Lan-Lan Tian, Fang Huang*, , 2022. Determining 88Sr/86Sr of barite using the Na2CO3 exchange method. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37:390-398.下载,项目介绍

  96. Chuanyu Chang, Hua Zhang*, Fang Huang, Xinbin Feng, , 2022. Understanding the translocation and bioaccumulation of cadmium in the Enshi seleniferous area, China: Possible impact by the interaction of Se and Cd. Environmental Pollution, 300:118927.下载

  97. Yu-Han Qi, Ying-Zeng Gong, Fei Wu, Ying Lu, Wenhan Cheng, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu*, , 2022. Coupled variations in V-Fe abundances and isotope compositions in latosols: implications for V mobilization during chemical weathering. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 320:26-40.下载,项目介绍

  98. Songxiong Zhong, Xiaomin Li*, Fangbai Li, Yingmei Huang, Tongxu Liu, Haoming Yin, Jiangtao Qiao, Guojun Chen, Fang Huang, , 2022. Cadmium uptake and transport processes in rice revealed by stable isotope fractionation and Cd-related gene expression. Science of The Total Environment, 806:150633.下载

  99. Jiawen Zhou, Zhu Li, Xingchao Zhang, Huimin Yu, Longhua Wu*, Fang Huang*, Yongming Luo, Peter Christie, *, 2022. Zinc uptake and replenishment mechanisms during repeated phytoextraction using Sedum plumbizincicola revealed by stable isotope fractionation. Science of The Total Environment, 806:151306.下载

  100. Jin-Ting Kang, Bracco Jacquelyn N, Donald Rimstidt, J. Zhu Gregory H, Huang Fang, Zhu Chen*, 2022. Ba attachment and detachment fluxes to and from barite surfaces in 137Ba-enriched solutions with variable [Ba2+]/[SO42-] ratios near solubility equilibrium. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 317:180–200.下载

  101. Lu-Lu Hao*, Xiao-Yun Nan*, Andrew C. Kerr, Si-Qi Li, Yuan-Bao Wu, Hao Wang, Fang Huang, 2022. Mg-Ba-Sr-Nd isotopic evidence for a melange origin of early Paleozoic arc magmatism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 577:117263.下载,项目介绍

  102. 2021

  103. Wei Wei*, Robert Frei, Robert Klaebe, Dongjie Tang, Guang-Yi Wei, Da Li, Lan-Lan Tian, Fang Huang, Hong-FeiLing, 2021. A transient swing to higher oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans at ~1.4 Ga. Precambrian Research, 354: 106058.下载

  104. Shitou Wu*, Yueheng Yang, Klaus Peter Jochum, Rolf L. Romer, Johannes Glodny, Ivan P. Savov, Samuele Agostini, Jan C.M. De Hoog, Stefan T.M. Peters, Andreas Kronz, Chao Zhang, Zhian Bao, et al., , 2021. Isotopic Compositions (Li-B-Si-O-Mg-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) and Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios of Three Synthetic Andesite Glass Reference Materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3). Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45:719-745.下载

  105. Yuan Zhong, Guo-Liang Zhang*, Wei-Xin Lv, Fang Huang, , 2021. Iron isotope constraints on the lithological heterogeneity of the upper mantle in the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 220:104934.下载

  106. Xi Yang, Qingjun Guo*, Valeria Boyko, Khoren Avetisyan, Alyssa J. Findlay, Fang Huang, Zhongliang Wang, Zhenwu Cheng, , 2021. Isotopic reconstruction of iron oxidation-reduction process based on an Archean Ocean analogue. Science of The Total Environment, 152609.下载

  107. Fengtai Tong, Yilin Xiao*, He Sun, Yangyang Wang, Hongqiong Wan, Long-Fei Gou, Yingzeng Gong, Fang Huang, Dong-Yong Li, Zhenhui Hou, , 2021. Lithium isotopic features of Quaternary basaltic saprolite, Zhanjiang, China: Atmospheric input and clay-mineral adsorption. Science of The Total Environment, 785:147235.下载

  108. Ding-Sheng Jiang, Xi-Sheng Xu*, Xiao-Jun Wang, Gang Zeng, An-Xia Chen, Bei Huang, Fang Huang, 2021. Geochemical evidence for the Paleo-Pacific plate subduction at ~125 Ma in Eastern China. Lithos, 398-399:106259.下载

  109. Fang Huang*, Ruixia Bai, Gengxin Deng, Xiaochi Liu, Xianhua Li, 2021. Barium isotope evidence for the role of magmatic fluids in the origin of Himalayan leucogranites. Science Bulletin, 66: 2329-2336.下载

  110. Jun Gao, Zhengyao Jin*, Binghua Wang, Xi'en Chang, Yongqiang Wang, Enguo Lv, Anchuan Fan, Fang Huang, 2021. A provenience study of Bronze Age metal objects from the Hami Basin, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 39:103175.下载

  111. Mei Huang, Xiaotong Wu*, Xinzhou Chen, Li Tao, Xiaohua Wu, Min Shi, Fei Li, Melissa M. Ritchey, Fang Huang, Zhengyao Jin, 2021. Wuchuan bronzes and cinnabar mining immigrants during the Qin and Han Dynasties—new perspectives from typological and lead isotope analysis. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13:undefined.下载

  112. Zhen Zeng*, Yu-Fang Sun, Hao-Ye Tang, Guo-Xing Lu, Lin Yang, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu*, 2021. Silicon Isotope Compositions of Soil and Sediment Reference Materials Determined by MC-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46:117-127.下载

  113. An-Lin Liu, Qing Wang*, Di-Cheng Zhu, Peter A Cawood, Ying Xia, Shi-Min Li, Sheng-Ao Liu, Fang Huang, Li Liu, Zhi-Dan Zhao, Xuan-Xue Mo, , 2021. Temporal and spatial variations of enriched source components in Linzizong volcanic succession, Tibet, and implications for the India-Asia collision. Journal of Petrology, (In press).下载

  114. Xia Hu, Xiao-Yun Nan*, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang, 2021. High precision Rb isotope measurements by MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36:2744-2755.下载

  115. Jin-Ting Kang*, Yu-Han Qi, Kan Li, Jiang-Hao Bai, Hui-Min Yu, Wang Zheng, Zhao-Feng Zhang, Fang Huang, 2021. Calcium isotope compositions of arc magmas: implications for Ca and carbonate recycling in subduction zones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 306:1-19.下载

  116. Chuanyu Chang, Runsheng Yin, Fang Huang, Ruirui Wang, Chongying Chen, Kang Mao, Xinbin Feng, Hua Zhang*, 2021. A new method of predicting the contribution of TGM to Hg in white rice: Using leaf THg and implications for Hg risk control in Wanshan Hg mine area. Environmental Pollution, 288 117727.下载

  117. Xin Ding*, Edward M. Ripley, Benjamin S. Underwood, Ziyue Meng, Fang Huang, 2021. Behavior of Mg and C-O isotopes during mafic magma-carbonate interaction at the Jinchuan Ni-Cu deposit, North China Craton. Chemical Geology, 562:120044.下载

  118. Chuanyu Chang, Runsheng Yin*, Fang Huang, Guangyi Sun, Kang Mao, Da Lei, Hua Zhang*, 2021. Understanding the Bioaccumulation of Mercury in Rice Plants at the Wanshan Mercury Mine, China: Using Stable Mercury Isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(2).下载

  119. Y. Z. Zhangsun, Z. Y. Jin*, F. Z. Feng, J. H. Tian, H. G. Wang, C. C. Zhao, F. Huang, X. T. Wu*, 2021. Revisiting the lead isotopic compositions of the Shang bronzes at Hanzhong and the new hypothesis of Qinling as the source of highly radiogenic lead. Archaeometry, 63:122-141.下载

  120. Gengxin Deng, Jinting Kang, Xiaoyun Nan, Youlian Li, Jinghui Guo, Xin Ding, Fang Huang*, 2021. Barium isotope evidence for crystal-melt separation in granitic magma reservoirs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 292:115-129.下载

  121. Wei Wei*, Zhen Zeng, Jun Shen, Lan-Lan Tian, Guang-Yi Wei, Hong-Fei Ling, Fang Huang*, 2021. Dramatic changes in the carbonate-hosted barium isotopic compositions in the Ediacaran Yangtze Platform. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 299: 113-129.下载

  122. Xiao-Feng Gu*, Shun Guo, Hui-Min Yu, Juan Xua, Fang Huang*, 2021. Behavior of barium isotopes during high-pressure metamorphism and fluid evolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 575:117176.下载

  123. Wenzhong Wang*, Chun-Hui Li*, John P. Brodholt, Shichun Huang, Michael J. Walter, Min Li, Zhongqing Wu, Fang Huang & Shui-Jiong Wang , 2021. Sulfur isotopic signature of Earth established by planetesimal volatile evaporation. Nature Geoscience, 806–811.下载

  124. Yang Li*, Sheng He, Rong-Qing Zhang, Xian-Wu Bi, Lian-Jun Feng, Guo-Qiang Tang, Wen-Zhong Wang, Fang Huang & Xian-Hua Li , 2021. Cassiterite oxygen isotopes in magmatic-hydrothermal systems: in situ microanalysis, fractionation factor, and applications. Mineralium Deposita , 1-9.下载

  125. Songxiong Zhong, Xiaomin Li, Fangbai Li*, Tongxu Liu, Fang Huang, Haoming Yin, Guojun Chen, Jianghu Cui, 2021. Water Management Alters Cadmium Isotope Fractionation between Shoots and Nodes/Leaves in a Soil-Rice System. Environmental science & technology, 55:12902–12913.下载

  126. Jia-Wei Xiong, Yi-Xiang Chen*, Kun Zhou, Hans-Peter Schertl, Yong-Fei Zheng, Fang Huang, Xiao-Ping Xia, Zhen-Wu Chen, 2021. Fe and O isotopes in coesite-bearing jadeite quartzite from the Western Alps record multistage fluid-rock interactions in a continental subduction zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 312:1-24.下载

  127. Wenhong Johnson Qiu, Mei-Fu Zhou*, Xiaochun Li, Fang Huang, John Malpas, 2021. Constraints of Fe-S-C stable isotopes on hydrothermal and microbial activities during formation of sediment-hosted stratiform sulfide deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 313:195-213.下载

  128. Haihao Guo*, Ying Xia, Fei Wu, Fang Huang*, 2021. Zinc isotopic fractionation between aqueous fluids and silicate magmas: An experimental study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 311: 226-237.下载

  129. Zhiwei He*, M. O. Clarkson, M.B. Andersen, Corey Archer, Tim C. Sweere, Peter Kraal, Alex Guthauser, Fang Huang, Derek Vance*, 2021. Temporally and spatially dynamic redox conditions on an upwelling margin: the impact on coupled sedimentary Mo and U isotope systematics, and implications for the Mo-U paleoredox proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 309:251-271.下载

  130. Yun Jiang*, Piers Koefoed, Olga Pravdivtseva, Heng Chen, Chun‐Hui Li, Fang Huang, Li‐Ping Qin, Jia Liu, Kun Wang*, 2021. Early solar system aqueous activity: K isotope evidence from Allende. METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 56:61-76.下载

  131. Shengyu Tian *, Frederic Moynier a, Edward C. Inglis, Roberta L. Rudnick, Fang Huang, Catherine Chauvel, John B. Creech, Richard M. Gaschnig, Zaicong Wang, Jing-Liang Guo, 2021. Zirconium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust through time. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 572:117086.下载

  132. Yi Huang*, Zhijie Long, Dan Zhou, Li Wang, Peng He, Guanru Zhang, Scott S. Hughes , Huimin Yu, Fang Huang*, 2021. Fingerprinting vanadium in soils based on speciation characteristics and isotope compositions. Science of the Total Environment, 791:148240.下载

  133. Lin-Hui Dong, Wei Wei*, Cheng-Long Yu, Zhen-Hui Hou, Zhen Zeng, Tianyu Chen, and Fang Huang, 2021. Determination of Vanadium Isotope Compositions in Carbonates Using an Fe Coprecipitation Method and MC-ICP-MS. Analytical Chemistry, 93: 7172−7179.下载,项目介绍

  134. Guangyou Zhu*, Kun Zhao, Huimin Yu, Fang Huang, Tingting Li, 2021. Silicon isotopic constraints on the genesis of cherts in the Ordovician sedimentary succession in Tarim Basin, Western China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 104795.下载

  135. Yuan Zhong, Guo-Liang Zhang*, Qi-Zhen Jin, Fang Huang, Xiao-Jun Wang, Lie-Wen Xie, 2021. Sub-basin scale inhomogeneity of mantle in the South China Sea revealed by magnesium isotopes. Science Bulletin, 66(7):740-748.下载

  136. Yue-Peng Zhao, Yan-Jie Tang*, Juan Xu, Zhen Zeng, Ji-Feng Ying, Heng-Ci Tian, Fang Huang, 2021. Barium isotope evidence for recycled crustal materials in the mantle source of continental basalts. Lithos, 390-391:106111.下载

  137. Weixin Lv, Haoming Yin, Mengshu Liu, Fang Huang, Huimin Yu*, 2021. Effect of the Dry Ashing Method on Cadmium Isotope Measurements in Soil and Plant Samples. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45: 245-256.下载

  138. Wenzhong Wang*, Zhongqing Wu, Fang Huang, 2021. Equilibrium barium isotope fractionation between minerals and aqueous solution from first-principles calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 292:64-77.下载

  139. 2020

  140. Wei Wei*, Klaebe Robert, Ling Hongfei*, Huang Fang, Frei Robert, 2020. Biogeochemical cycle of chromium isotopes at the modern Earth's surface and its applications as a paleo-environment proxy. Chemical Geology, 541: 119570.下载

  141. Wei Wei, Frei Robert, Gilleaudeau Geoffrey, Li Da, Wei Guangyi, Huang Fang, Ling Hongfei*, 2020. Variations of redox conditions in the atmosphere and Yangtze Platform during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition: Constraints from Cr isotopes and Ce anomalies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 543: 109598.下载

  142. Yizhe Wang, Chaodong Wu*, Yanan Fang, Jian Ma, Bing Shen, Fang Huang, Tianqi Zhou, Jialin Wang, Wei Zhang, , 2020. Origin and palaeoenvironmental indications of Eocene to Oligocene primary lacustrine dolomite, Northern Tianshan Mountains, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 198:104135.下载

  143. Yu-Han Qi, Wenhan Cheng*, Xiao-Yun Nan, Fan Yang, Jianghanyang Li, De-Cheng Li, Craig C. Lundstrom, Hui-Min Yu, Gan-Lin Zhang*, Fang Huang, 2020. Iron Stable Isotopes in Bulk Soil and Sequential Extracted Fractions Trace Fe Redox Cycling in Paddy Soils. Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry, 68:8143-8150.下载

  144. Jinting Kang, Chen Zhou, Jingyi Huang, Yantao Hao, Fang Liu, Hongli Zhu, Zhaofeng Zhang*, Fang Huang*, 2020. Diffusion-driven Ca-Fe isotope fractionations in the upper mantle: Implications for mantle cooling and melt infiltration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 41-58.下载

  145. Xin Ding*, Rosalind T. Helz, Yuhan Qi, Fang Huang*, 2020. Vanadium isotope fractionation during differentiation of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 114-129.下载

  146. Qi-Zhen Jin, Jian Huang*, Shao-Chen Liu, Fang Huang, 2020. Magnesium and zinc isotope evidence for recycled sediments and oceanic crust in the mantle sources of continental basalts from eastern China. Lithos, 1-14.下载

  147. Wenzhong Wang*, Shichun Huang, Fang Huang, Xinmiao Zhao, Zhongqing Wu*, 2020. Equilibrium inter-mineral titanium isotope fractionation: Implication for high-temperature titanium isotope geochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 269:540-553.下载

  148. Anxia Chen, Yuanhong Li, Yi Chen*, Huimin Yu, Fang Huang*, 2020. Silicon Isotope Composition of Subduction Zone Fluids as Recorded by Jadeitites from Myanmar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175(1), 6.下载,项目介绍

  149. Jiawen Zhou, Zhu Li, Mengshu Liu, Huimin Yu, Longhua Wu*, Fang Huang*, Yongming Luo, Peter Christie, 2020. Cadmium Isotopic Fractionation in the Soil−Plant System during Repeated Phytoextraction with a Cadmium Hyperaccumulating Plant Species. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (21): 13598-13609.下载

  150. Haihao Guo*, Wangye Li*, Xiaoyun Nan, Fang Huang, 2020. Experimental evidence for light Ba isotopes favouring aqueous fluids over silicate melts. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 16:6-11.下载

  151. Haihao Guo*, Ying Xia, Ruixia Bai, Xingchao Zhang, Fang Huang*, 2020. Experiments on Cu-isotope fractionation between chlorine-bearing fluid and silicate magma: implications for fluid exsolution and porphyry Cu deposits. National Science Review, 7:1319-1330.下载

  152. Yingzeng Gong, Zhen Zeng, Wenhan Cheng, Ying Lu, Lili Zhang, Huimin Yu, Fang Huang*, 2020. Barium isotopic fractionation during strong weathering of basalt in a tropical climate. Enviroment International, 143(2020):105896.下载

  153. Meng-Shu Liu, Qun Zhang, Yingnan Zhang, Zhaofeng Zhang, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu*, 2020. High-precision Cd isotope analyses of soil and rock reference materials by MC-ICP-MS with double spike correction. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44:169-182.下载

  154. Lan-Lan Tian, Ying-Zeng Gong, Wei Wei, Jin-Ting Kang, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang*, 2020. Rapid determination of Ba isotope compositions for barites using a H2O-extraction method and MCICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 35: 1566-1573.下载,项目介绍

  155. Wang-Ye Li*, Hui-Min Yu, Juan Xu, Ralf Halama, Keith Bell, Fang Huang*, 2020. Barium isotopic composition of the mantle: Constraints from carbonatites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278: 235-243.下载

  156. Long-Fei Gou, Zhangdong Jin*, Albert Galy, Ying-Zeng Gong, Xiao-Yun Nan, Chenyang Jing, Xiao-Dan Wang, Julien Bouchez, Hong-Ming Cai, Jiu-Bin Chen, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang, 2020. Seasonal riverine barium isotopic variation in the middle Yellow River: Sources and fractionation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531: 115990.下载

  157. Yi-Xiang Chen*, Attila Demény, Hans-Peter Schertl, Yong-Fei Zheng, Fang Huang, Kun Zhou, Qi-Zhen Jin, Xiao-Ping Xia, 2020. Tracing subduction zone fluids with distinct Mg isotope compositions: Insights from high-pressure metasomatic rocks (leucophyllites) from the Eastern Alps. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 271:154-178.下载

  158. Yuanhong Li, Huimin Yu, Xiaofeng Gu, Shun Gao, Fang Huang*, 2020. Silicon isotopic fractionation during metamorphic fluid activities: constraints from eclogites and ultrahigh-pressure veins in the Dabie orogen, China. Chemical Geology, 540:119540.下载

  159. Hongli Zhu, Fang Liu, Xin Li, Yajun An, Xiaoyun Nan, Long Du, Fang Huang, Weidong Sun, Zhaofeng Zhang*, 2020. Significant δ44/40Ca variations between carbonate- and clay-rich marine sediments from the Lesser Antilles forearc and implications for mantle heterogeneity. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 276:239-257.下载

  160. Yizhe Wang, Chaodong Wu*, Yanan Fang, Jian Ma, Bing Shen, Fang Huang, Linlin Li, Meng Ning, Lina Zhai, Wei Zhang, 2020. Mg, C and O isotopic compositions of Late Cretaceous lacustrine dolomite and travertine in the northern Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China. Chemical Geology, 541:119569.下载

  161. HaoMing Yin, Fang Huang, Jun Shen, HuiMin Yu*, 2020. Using Sr isotopes to trace the geographic origins of Chinese mitten crabs. Acta Geochimica, 1-11.下载,项目介绍

  162. Zhiwei He, Xingchao Zhang, Xiaodong Deng, Hao Hu, Yang Li, Huimin Yu, Corey Archer, Jianwei Li*, Fang Huang*, 2020. The behavior of Fe and S isotopes in porphyry copper systems: constraints from the Tongshankou Cu-Mo deposit, Eastern China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 270:61-83.下载

  163. 2019

  164. Xiaotong Wu, Anke Hein*, Xingxiang Zhang, Zhengyao Jin, Dong Wei, Fang Huang, Xijie Yin, , 2019. Correction to: resettlement strategies and Han imperial expansion into Southwest China: a multimethod approach to colonialism and migration. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11:6783-6783.下载

  165. Yu-Han Qi, Fei Wu, Dmitri A. Ionov, Igor S. Puchtel, Richard W. Carlson, Robert W. Nicklas, Hui-Min Yu, Jin-Ting Kang, Chun-Hui Li*, Fang Huang*, 2019. Vanadium isotope composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth: constraints from peridotites and komatiites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 259: 288-301.下载

  166. Yuanhong Li, Wenzhong Wang, Chen Zhou, Fang Huang*, 2019. First-Principles Calculations of Equilibrium Silicon Isotope Fractionation in Metamorphic Silicate Minerals. Solid Earth Science, 4:192-149.下载

  167. Ying Xia, E. S. Kiseeva, J. Wade*, Fang Huang*, 2019. The effect of core segregation on the Cu and Zn isotope composition of the silicate Moon. GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS, 12:12-17.下载

  168. 戚玉菡, 吴非, 李春辉, 黄方*, 2019. 地幔和大洋玄武岩的钒同位素研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 038(003), 643-650.下载

  169. Jian Huang*, Shun Guo, Qi-Zhen Jin, Fang Huang, 2019. Iron and magnesium isotopic compositions of subduction-zone fluids and implications for arc volcanism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278: 376-391.下载

  170. Wu Xiaotong, Hein Anke*, Zhang Xingxiang, Jin Zhengyao, Wei Dong, Huang Fang, Yin Xijie, 2019. Resettlement strategies and Han imperial expansion into southwest China: a multimethod approach to colonialism and migration. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11:6751-6781.下载

  171. Wenzhong Wang, Chen Zhou, Yun Liu, Zhongqing Wu*, Fang Huang*, 2019. Equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation among aqueous Mg2+, carbonates, brucite and lizardite: Insights from first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 250:117-129.下载

  172. Jin-Ting Kang, Dmitri A. Ionov, Hong-Li Zhu, Fang Liua, Zhao-Feng Zhang*, Zhe Liu, Fang Huang*, 2019. Calcium isotope sources and fractionation during melt-rock teraction in the lithospheric mantle: evidence from pyroxenites, wehrlites, and eclogites.. Chemical Geology, 524:272–282.下载

  173. Hao, L.-L., Wang, Q., Wyman, D.A., Yang, J.-H., Huang, F., Ma, L., 2019. Crust-mantle mixing and crustal reworking of southern Tibet during Indian continental subduction: evidence from Miocene high-silica potassic rocks in central Lhasa block. Lithos, 342:407-419.下载

  174. Xin Ding*, Edward M. Ripley, Wenzhong Wang, Chunhui Li, Fang Huang, 2019. Iron isotope fractionation during sulfide liquid segregation and crystallization at the Lengshuiqing Ni-Cu magmatic sulfide deposit, SW China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 261:327-341.下载

  175. Changqing Yin*, Jie Ou, Xiaoping Long , Fang Huang , Jian Zhang, Shun , Luojuan Wang, Xiaoping Xia , and Xiaolan He, 2019. Late Cretaceous Neo-Tethyan slab roll-back: Evidence from zircon U-Pb-O and whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd-Fe isotopic data of adakitic plutons in the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 15:245-+.下载

  176. Baoliang Wang, Wang-Ye Li, Gengxin Deng, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu*, 2019. Silicon isotope composition of metaperidotites from the Franciscan Complex of California- implications for Si isotope fractionation during subduction dehydration. Lithos, 350-351 (2019) 105228.下载

  177. Yingzeng Gong, Zhen Zeng, Chen Zhou, Xiaoyun Nan, Huimin Yu, Ying Lu, Wangye Li, Wenxian Gou, Wenhan Cheng, Fang Huang*, 2019. Barium isotopic fractionation in latosol developed from strongly weathered basalt. Science of the Total Environment, 687: 1295-130.下载

  178. Lan-Lan Tian, Zhen Zeng, Xiao-Yun Nan, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang*, 2019. Determining Ba isotopes for barite using Na2CO3 exchange reaction and double-spike method on MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34:1459-1467.下载

  179. Yu Liu, Xian-Hua Li*, Guo-Qiang Tang, Qiu-Li Li, Xiao-Chi Liu, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang, 2019. Ultra-high precision silicon isotope micro-analysis using a Cameca IMS-1280 SIMS instrument by eliminating the topography effect. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34:906-914.下载

  180. Jian Huang*, Lukáš Ackerman, Xing-Chao Zhang, Fang Huang, 2019. Mantle Zn isotopic heterogeneity caused by melt-rock reaction: Evidence from Fe-rich peridotites and pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif, Central Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124: 3588-3604.下载

  181. Jun Hu, Neng Jiang*, Richard Carlson, Jinghui Guo, Wenbo Fan, Fang Huang, Shuangquan Zhang, Keqing Zong, Tiejun Li, Huimin Yu, 2019. Metasomatism of the crust-mantle boundary by melts derived from subducted sedimentary carbonates and silicates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 260:311-328.下载

  182. Xiao-Ying Gao*, Ling Wang, Yi-Xiang Chen, Yong-Fei Zheng, Ren-Xu Chen, Fang Huang, Qiang-Qiang Zhang, Min Ji, Zi-Yue Meng, 2019. Geochemical evidence from coesite-bearing jadeite quartzites for large-scale flow of metamorphic fluids in a continental subduction channel. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 265:354-370.下载

  183. Fei Wu, Jeremy Owens, Limei Tang*, Yanhui Dong, Fang Huang*, 2019. Vanadium isotopic fractionation during the formation of marine ferromanganese crusts and nodules. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 261:371-385.下载

  184. Xue-Feng Hu*, Jing-Long Zhao, Pei-Feng Zhang, Yong Xue, Bo-Nian An, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu, Gan-Lin Zhang, Xiang-Jun Liu, 2019. Fe isotopic composition of the Quaternary Red Clay in subtropical Southeast China: Redoxic Fe mobility and its paleoenvironmental implications. Chemical Geology, 524:356-367.下载

  185. Xiaobin Cao*, Huiming Bao, Caihong Gao, Yun Liu, Fang Huang, Yongbo Peng, Yining Zhang, 2019. Triple oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of ocean island basalts. Acta Geochimica, 38:327-334.下载

  186. Zhen Zeng, Xiao-Hua Li, Yi Liu, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu*, 2019. High-precision barium isotope measurements of carbonates by MC-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 43:291-300.下载

  187. Shenyang Zhang, Hongluo Zhang*, Zhenhui Hou, Dmitri A Ionov, Fang Huang*, 2019. Rapid determination of trace element compositions in peridotites by LA-ICP-MS using albite fusion method. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 43:93-111.下载

  188. Dmitri A. Ionov*, Yu-Han Qi, Jin-Ting Kang, Alexander V.Golovin, Oleg B.Oleinikov, Wang Zheng, Ariel D.Anbar, Zhao-Feng Zhang, Fang Huang, 2019. Calcium isotopic signatures of carbonatite and silicate metasomatism, melt percolation and crustal recycling in the lithospheric mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 248:1-13.下载

  189. Fang Huang*, Chen Zhou, Wenzhong Wang, Jinting Kang, Zhongqing Wu*, 2019. First-principles calculations of equilibrium Ca isotope fractionation: implications for oldhamite formation and evolution of lunar magma ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 510:153-160.下载

  190. Yi Liu*, Xiaohua Li, Zhen Zeng, Hui-Min Yu*, Fang Huang, 2019. Chuan-Chou Shen, 2019. Annually-resolved coral skeletal δ138/134Ba records: A new proxy for oceanic Ba cycling. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 247:79-39.下载

  191. Yonghua Cao, Christina Yan Wang*, Fang Huang*, and Zhaofeng Zhang*, 2019. Iron Isotope Systematics of the Panzhihua Mafic Layered Intrusion Associated With Giant Fe-Ti Oxide Deposit in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, 358–375.下载

  192. 2018

  193. Yuhan Yang, Xingchao Zhang, Sheng-Ao Liu, Ting Zhou, Haifeng Fan, Huimin Yu, Wenhan Cheng, Fang Huang*, 2018. Calibrating NIST SRM 683 as a new international reference standard for Zn isotopes. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 33:1777-1783.下载

  194. Xiaohui Liu, Yuhan Qi, Daye Zheng, Chen Zhou, Lixin He*, Fang Huang*, 2018. Diffusion coefficients of Mg isotopes in MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 melts calculated by first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 223: 364-376.下载

  195. Xiaoran Wang, Xingxiang Zhang, Anchuan Fan, Adamantios Sampson, Xiaotong Wu, Jun Gao, Fang Huang, Zhengyao Jin, 2018. Strontium isotopic evidence for the provenance of occupants and subsistence of Sarakenos Cave in prehistoric Greece. Quaternary International , 508:13-22.下载

  196. Xiaochi Liu*, Xianhua Li*, Yu Liu, Lei Yang, Qiuli Li, Fuyuan Wu, Huimin Yu, Fang Huang, 2018. Insights into the origin of purely sediment-derived Himalayan leucogranites: Si–O isotopic constraints. Science Bulletin, 63:1243-1245.下载,项目介绍

  197. Hui-Min Yu*, Yuan-Hong Li, Yong-Jun Gao, Jian Huang, Fang Huang*, 2018. Silicon isotopic compositions of altered oceanic crust: Implications for Si isotope heterogeneity in the mantle. Chemical Geology, 479:1-9.下载,项目介绍

  198. Yi Chen*, Fang Huang*, Guang-hai Shi, Fu-Yuan Wu, Xi Chen, Qi-Zhen Jin, Bin Su, Shun Guo, Kyaing Sein, and Thet Tin Nyunt, 2018. Magnesium Isotope Composition of Subduction Zone Fluids as Constrained by Jadeitites From Myanmar. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(9):7566-7585.下载

  199. 黄方*, 田笙谕, 2018. 若干金属稳定同位素体系的研究进展:以中国科大实验室为例. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 37(5):793-811.下载

  200. Wei Jiang, Jilong Wang, Jinbin Yang, Zhiwei He, Zhenhui Hou, Yingli Luo, Li Wang, Jing Liu, Houbing Zhang, Yangyang Zhao, Guoqing Zhang, Fang Huang, Xuechang Zhou, Lifeng Yan*, Xianzhu Yang*, Yucai Wang*, and Jun Wang, 2018. Acidity-triggered TAT-presenting nanocarriers augment tumor retention and nuclear translocation of drugs. Nano Research, 11:5716-5734.下载

  201. Xingchao Zhang, Anyu Zhang, Zhaofeng Zhang, Fang Huang, Huimin Yu*, 2018. Influence of room temperature on magnesium isotope measurements by multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 32(13), 1026-1030.下载

  202. 张兴超, 刘超, 黄艺, 黄方, 于慧敏*, 2018. 干法灰化处理对含有机质土壤样品铜同位素测量的影响. 岩矿测试, 37:347-355.下载

  203. Lulu Hao, Qiang Wan, Derek A. Wyman, Yue Qi, Lin Ma, Fang Huang, Le Zhang, Xiaoping Xia, Quan Ou, 2018. First identification of mafic igneous enclaves in Miocene lavas of southern Tibet with implications for Indian continental subduction . Geophysical Research Letters, 45:8205–8213.下载

  204. Jian Huang*, Xingchao Zhang, Sha Chen, Limen Tang, Gerhard Worner, Huimin Yu, Fang Huang*, 2018. Zinc isotopic systematics of Kamchatka-Aleutian arc magmas controlled by mantle melting. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 238: 85-101.下载

  205. Jinxiang Li*, Kezhang Qin, Guangming Li, Noreen J. Evans, Fang Huang, Junxing Zhao, 2018. Iron isotope fractionation during magmatic-hydrothermal evolution: A case study from the Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Tibet. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 238: 1-15.下载

  206. Yongli Xue, Chun-hui Li, Yuhan Qi, Chuantong Zhang, Bingkui Miao*, Fang Huang*, 2018. The vanadium isotopic composition of L ordinary chondrites. Acta Geochim, 37(4): 501-508.下载

  207. Lai-Ming Huang, Min-An Shao*, Fang Huang, Gan-Lin Zhang*, 2018. Effects of human activities on pedogenesis and iron dynamics in paddy soils developed on Quaternary red clays. Catena, 166:78-88.下载

  208. Xiao-Yun Nan, Hui-Min Yu, Roberta L. Rudnick, Richard M. Gaschnig, Juan Xu, Wang-Ye Li, Qun Zhang, Zhang-Dong Jin, Xian-Hua Li, Fang Huang*, 2018. Barium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 233: 33-49.下载,项目介绍

  209. Fei Wu, Yuhan Qi, M.R. Perfit, Yongjun Gao, Charles H. Langmuir, V. Dorsey Wanless, Huimin Yu, Fang Huang*, 2018. Vanadium isotope compositions of mid-ocean ridge lavas and altered oceanic crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 493:128-139.下载

  210. Jian Huang*, Sha Chen, Xing-Chao Zhang, Fang Huang*, 2018. Effects of melt percolation on Zn isotope heterogeneity in the mantle: Constraints from peridotite massifs in Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italian Alps. Journal of Geophysical Research(JGR): Solid Earth, 123, 2706–2722.下载

  211. Jing Huang*, Jia Liu, Yingnan Zhang, Huajin Chang, Yanan Shen, Fang Huang, Liping Qin, 2018. Cr isotopic composition of the Laobao cherts during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in South China. Chemical Geology, 482: 121-130.下载

  212. Lai-Ming Huang*, Xiao-Xu Jia, Gan-Lin Zhang*, Aaron Thompson, Fang Huang, Min-An Shao, Liu-Mei Chen, 2018. Variations and controls of iron oxides and isotope compositions during paddy soil evolution over a millennial time scale. Chemical Geology, 476: 340-351.下载

  213. 2017

  214. Fang Liu, Xin Li, Guiqin Wang, Yufei Liu, Hongli Zhu, Jinting Kang, Fang Huang, Weidong Sun, Xiaoping Xia, Zhaofeng Zhang*, 2017. Marine carbonate component in the mantle beneath the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: evidence from magnesium and calcium isotopes. Journal of Geophysics Research (Solid Earth), 122:9729–9744.下载

  215. Jin-Ting Kang, Dmitri A. Ionov, Fang Liu, Chen-Lei Zhang, Alexander V. Golovine, Li-Ping Qin, Zhao-Feng Zhang*, Fang Huang*, 2017. Calcium isotopic fractionation in mantle peridotites by melting and metasomatism, and Ca isotope composition of Bulk Silicate Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 474: 128-137.下载

  216. Ying Xia, Shuangqing Li, Fang Huang*, 2017. Iron and Zinc isotope fractionation during magmatism in the continental crust: Evidence from bimodal volcanic rocks from Hailar basin, NE China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 213: 35-46.下载

  217. Xinmiao Zhao*, Huihui Cao, Xue Mi, Noreen J. Evans, Yuhan Qi, Fang Huang, Hongfu Zhang, 2017. Combined iron and magnesium isotope geochemistry of pyroxenite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton: implications for mantle metasomatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172:40.下载

  218. Jian Huang*, Fang Huang*, Zaicong Wang, Xingchao Zhang, Huimin Yu, 2017. Copper isotope fractionation during partial melting and melt percolation in the upper mantle: Evidence from massif peridotites in Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italian Alps. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 211: 48-63.下载,项目介绍

  219. Wenzhong Wang, Tian Qin, Chen Zhou, Shichun Huang, Zhongqing Wu*, Fang Huang*, 2017. Concentration effect on equilibrium fractionation of Mg-Ca isotopes in carbonate minerals: insights from first-principles calculations. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 208: 185-197.下载

  220. Miao Li, Yong-Sheng He, Jin-Ting Kang, Xiao-Yong Yang, Zhi-Wei He, Hui-Min Yu, Fang Huang*, 2017. Why was iron lost without significant isotope fractionation during the lateritic process in tropical environments?. Geoderma, 290: 1-9.下载

  221. Yajun An, W.L Griffin, Chuanzhou Liu, Jin-Xiang Huang, Fang Huang*, 2017. Isotopic composition of Mg and Fe in garnet peridotites from the Kaapvaal and Siberian Cratons. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 200: 167-185.下载

  222. 黄方, 陈福坤, 杨晓勇, 闫峻, 肖益林, 秦礼萍, 谢建成, 黄建, 汪方跃, 沈骥, 邓江洪, 杨一增, 2017. 古太平洋构造域的岩浆作用与成矿. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 36:511-556.下载

  223. Wenzhong Wang, Chen Zhou, Tian Qin, Jin-Ting Kang, Shichun Huang, Zhongqing Wu*, Fang Huang*, 2017. Effect of Ca content on equilibrium Ca isotope fractionation between orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 219: 44-56.下载

  224. Fang Huang*, Erik V. Sørensen, Paul M. Holm, Zhao-Feng Zhang, Craig C. Lundstrom, 2017. U-series disequilibria of trachyandesites from minor volcanic centers in the Central Andes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 215: 92-104.下载

  225. 2016

  226. Yingzeng Gong, Ying Xia, Fang Huang, Huimin Yu*, 2016. Average iron isotopic compositions of the upper continental crust: constrained by loess from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Acta Geochimica, 36: 1-7.下载,项目介绍

  227. Tian Qin, Fei Wu, Zhongqing Wu*, Fang Huang*, 2016. First-principles calculations of equilibrium fractionation of O and Si isotopes in quartz, albite, anorthite, and zircon. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171: 91.下载

  228. 黄方*, 南晓云, 吴非, 2016. V和Ba同位素分析方法综述. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, Vol. 35, No. 3.下载

  229. Yi-Xiang Chen*, Hans-Peter Schertl, Yong-Fei Zheng, Fang Huang, Kun Zhou, Ying-Zeng Gong, 2016. Mg–O isotopes trace the origin of Mg-rich fluids in the deeply subducted continental crust of Western Alps. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 456: 157-167.下载

  230. Fang Huang*, Juan Xu, Julin Zhang, 2016. U-series disequilibria in subduction zone lavas: Inherited from subducted slabs or produced by mantle in-growth melting?. Chemical Geology, 440: 179-190.下载

  231. Honglin Yuan*, Wengting Yuan, Zhian Bao, Kaiyun Chen, Fang Huang, Shengao Liu, 2016. Development of two new copper isotope standard solutions and their copper isotopic compositions. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 41: 77-84.下载

  232. Jin-Xiang Li*, Ke-Zhang Qin, Guang-Ming Li, Noreen J. Evans, Jun-Xing Zhao, Ming-Jian Cao, Fang Huang, 2016. The Nadun Cu-Au mineralization, central Tibet: Root of a high sulfidation epithermal deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 78: 371-387.下载

  233. 李原鸿, 黄方*, 于慧敏, 贺治伟, 陈沙, 2016. 加勒比海小安德列斯岛弧Kick'em Jenny海底火山岩的斜长石成分环带:示踪大洋岛弧岩浆房的演化. 岩石学报, 32(2): 605-616.下载,项目介绍

  234. Sha Chen, Yuchen Liu, Jingya Hu, Zhaofeng Zhang, Zhenhui Hou, Fang Huang, Huimin Yu*, 2016. Zn isotopic compositions of NIST SRM683 and whole-rock reference materials. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 40: 417-432.下载,项目介绍

  235. Zhiwei He, Fang Huang*, Huimin Yu, Yilin Xiao, Fangyue Wang, Qiuli Li, Ying Xia, Xingchao Zhang, 2016. A flux-free fusion technique for rapid determination of major and trace elements in silicate rocks by LA-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 40: 5-21.下载

  236. Fei Wu, Yuhan Qi, Huimin Yu, Shengyu Tian, Zhenhui Hou, Fang Huang*, 2016. Vanadium isotope measurement by MC-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 421: 17-25.下载

  237. Jin-Ting Kang, Hong-Li Zhu, Yu-Fei Liu, Fang Liu, Fei Wu, Yan-Tao Hao, Xia-Chen Zhi, Zhao-Feng Zhang*, Fang Huang*, 2016. Calcium isotopic composition of mantle xenoliths and minerals from Eastern China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 174: 335–344.下载

  238. 2015

  239. 黄方*, 南晓云, 2015. 土壤中非传统稳定同位素研究进展. 中国科学技术大学学报, 45(2): 87-100.下载

  240. Jen-How Huang*, Fang Huang, Les Evans, Susan Glasauer, 2015. Vanadium: Global (bio)geochemistry. Chemical Geology, 417: (2015) 68-89.下载

  241. Xiao-Yun Nan, Fei Wu, Zhaofeng Zhang, Zhenhui Hou, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu*, 2015. High-precision barium isotope measurement by MC-ICP-MS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2015, 30, 2307-2315.下载,项目介绍

  242. 黄方*, 吴非, 2015. 钒同位素地球化学综述. 地学前缘, 22(5): 94-101.下载

  243. Fei Wu*, Tian Qin*, Xuefang Li, Yun Liu, Jen-How Huang, Zhongqing Wu, Fang Huang, 2015. First-principles investigation of vanadium isotope fractionation in solution and during adsorption. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 426: (2015) 216-224.下载

  244. Fei Wu, Yilin Xiao*, Lijuan Xu, M. Santosh, Shuguang Li, Jian Huang, Zhenhui Hou, Fang Huang, 2015. Geochronology and geochemistry of felsic xenoliths in lamprophyre dikes from the southeastern margin of the North China Craton: implications for the interleaving of the Dabie–Sulu orogenic crust. International Geology Review, 57: 9-10, 1305-1325.下载

  245. Wu*, Z.-Q.*, Huang, F., Huang, S.-C., 2015. Isotope fractionation induced by phase transformation:First-principles investigation for Mg2SiO4. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 409: (2015) 339–347.下载

  246. 2014

  247. Yajun An*, Fang Huang , 2014. A Review of Mg Isotope Analytical Methods by MC-ICP-MS . Journal of Earth Science, 25(5):822–840.下载

  248. F. Huang, Zhongqing Wu*, Shichun Huang, Fei Wu, 2014. First-principles calculations of equilibrium silicon isotope fractionation among mantle minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 140:509–520.下载

  249. Chongqin Feng, Tian Qin, Shichun Huang, Zhongqing Wu*, Fang Huang*, 2014. First-principles investigations of equilibrium calcium isotope fractionation between clinopyroxene and Ca-doped orthopyroxene. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 143:132–142.下载

  250. Yajun An, Fei Wu, Yuanxin Xiang, Xiaoyun Nan, Xun Yu, Jinhui Yang, Huimin Yu, Liewen Xie*, Fang Huang*, 2014. High-precision Mg isotope analyses of low-Mg rocks by MC-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 390 (2014) 9–21.下载

  251. 2013

  252. Huang F.*, Chen L.-J., Wu Z.Q.*, Wang W., 2013. First-principles calculations of equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation in garnet, cpx, opx, and ol at high temperature: implications for Mg isotope thermometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 367: 61-70.下载

  253. Bindeman I.N.*, Lundstrom C.C., Bopp C., Huang F., 2013. Stable isotope fractionation by thermal diffusion through partially molten wet and dry silicate rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 365: 51-62.下载

  254. 周新华*, 张宏福, 郑建平, 夏群科, 刘勇胜, 汤艳杰, 黄方, 刘传周, 2013. 新世纪十年地幔地球化学研究进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 4:379-391.下载

  255. 黄方*, 张鞠琳, 2013. 岩浆演化对U系不平衡的影响. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 32:204-211.下载

  256. 2011

  257. Fang Huang*, Shuguang Li, Yongsheng He, , 2011. Comment on “Origin of high-Mg adakitic magmatic enclaves from the Meichuan pluton, southern Dabie orogen (central China): Implications for delamination of the lower continental crust and melt–mantle interaction” by C. Zhang, C.Q. Ma, F. Holtz [Lithos 119 (2010) 467–484]. Lithos, 125:836-838.下载

  258. He Y.-S.*, Li S.-G.*, Hoefs J., Huang F., Liu S.-A., Hou Z.-H., 2011. Geochemical evolution of post collisional granitoids in the Dabie orogen: new evidences on partial melting of the thickened continental crust. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75 (2011) 3815–3838.下载

  259. Huang F.*, Chakraborty P., Lundstrom C.C., Holmden C., Glessner J.J.G., Kieffer S., Lesher C.E., 2011. Reply to Brief Communications Arising: Isotope fractionation in silicate melts by thermal diffusion. Nature, 472, pp. E2–E3.下载

  260. Huang F.*, Lundstrom C.C., Sigurdsson H., Zhang Z.-F., 2011. U-series disequilibria in Kick’em Jenny submarine volcano lavas: a new view of time-scales of magmatism in convergent margins. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75, 195-212.下载

  261. Huang F.*, Li S.-G., He Y.-S., 2011. Comment on “Origin of high-Mg adakitic magmatic enclaves from the Meichuan pluton, southern Dabie orogen (central China): Implications for delamination of the lower continental crust and melt-mantle interaction” by C. Zhang, C.Q. Ma, F. Holtz [Lithos 119 (2010) 467-484]. Lithos, 125 (2011) 836–838.下载

  262. Huang F.*, Zhang Z.-F., Lundstrom C.C., Zhi X.-C. 2011, 2011. Iron and magnesium isotopic compositions of peridotite xenoliths from Eastern China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75: 3318–3334.下载

  263. 黄方*, 2011. 非传统稳定同位素在高温下的分馏. 岩石学报, 27(2): 365-382.下载

  264. 2010

  265. F. Huang, P. Chakraborty, C. C. Lundstrom*, C. Holmden, J. J. G. Glessner, S. W. Kieffer, C. E. Lesher, 2010. Isotope fractionation in silicate melts by thermal diffusion. Nature, 464:396-400.下载

  266. Fang Huang*, YongSheng He, 2010. Partial melting of the dry mafic continental crust: Implications for petrogenesis of C-type adakites. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55:2428-2439.下载

  267. Liu S.-A.*, Li S.-G.*, He Y.-S., Huang F., 2010. Geochemical contrasts between early Cretaceous ore-bearing and ore-barren high-Mg adakites in central-eastern China: Implications for petrogenesis and Cu–Au mineralization. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74, 7160-7178.下载

  268. 黄方*, 何永胜, 2010. 干的基性大陆下地壳部分熔融与C型埃达克岩. 科学通报, 55, 1255-1267.下载

  269. Jacobsen A.*, Zhang Z.-F., Lundstrom C., Huang F., 2010. Behavior of Mg isotopes during dedolomitization in the Madison Aquifer, South Dakota. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 446-452.下载

  270. 2009

  271. Li S.*, Wang C., Dong F., Hou Z., Li Q., Liu Y., Huang F., Chen F., 2009. Common Pb of UHP metamorphic rocks from the CCSD project (100-5000 m) suggesting decoupling between the slices within subducting continental crust and multiple thin slab exhumation. Tectonophysics, 475: 308-317.下载

  272. Huang F.*, Glessner J., Ianno A., Lundstrom C., Zhang Z.-F., 2009. Magnesium isotopic composition of igneous rock standards measured by MC-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 268: 15-23.下载

  273. Huang F., Lundstrom C.C.*, Glessner J., Ianno A., Boudreau A., Li J., Ferré E.C., Marshak S., DeFrates J., 2009. Chemical and isotopic fractionation of wet andesite in a temperature gradient: Experiments and models suggesting a new mechanism of magma differentiation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 73: 729-749.下载

  274. Ding X., Lundstrom C., Huang F., Li J., Zhang Z., Sun X., Liang J., Sun W.*, 2009. Natural and experimental constraints on formation of the continental crust based on niobium–tantalum fractionation. International Geology Review, 51: 473 – 501.下载

  275. 2008

  276. Huang F.*, Gao Lili, Lundstrom C.C., 2008. The effect of assimilation, fractional crystallization, and ageing on U-series disequilibria in arc lavas. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72: 4136-4145.下载

  277. Huang F.*, Li S.-G., Dong F., He Y.-S., Chen F.K., 2008. High-Mg adakitic rocks in the Dabie orogen, central China: implications for foundering mechanism of lower continental crust. Chemical Geology, 255: 1-13.下载

  278. Gao Lili, Chen B., Wang J.-Y., Scott H.P., Lerche M., Zhao J.-Y., Sturhahn, W., Huang, F., Ding Y., Lundstrom C.C., Bass J., Li J., 2008. Pressure-induced Magnetic Transition and Sound Velocities of Fe3C. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L17306.下载

  279. 朱建明*, 朱祥坤, 黄方, 2008. 钼的稳定同位素体系及其地质应用. 岩石矿物学杂志, 27(4): 353-360.下载

  280. 2007

  281. Huang F.*, Li S.-G.*, Dong F., Li Q.-L., Chen F.-K., Wang Y., Yang W., 2007. Recycling of deeply subducted continental crust in the Dabie Mountains, central China. Lithos, 96, 151-169.下载

  282. Huang F. and Lundstrom, C.C., 2007. 231Pa excesses in arc volcanic rocks: constraint on melting rates at convergent margins. Geology, 35: 1007-1010.下载

  283. Huang F., Li S.-G.*, Yang W., 2007. Contributions of the lower crust to Mesozoic mantle-derived mafic rocks from the North China Craton: implications for lithospheric thinning. Journal of the Geological Society London, Special Publications, 280, 55–75.下载

  284. 2006

  285. Huang F.*, Lundstrom C.C., McDonough W.F., 2006. Effect of melt structure on trace element partitioning between clinopyroxene and silicic, alkaline, aluminous melts. American Mineralogist, 91: 1385-1400.下载

  286. 2002

  287. 黄方, 李曙光*, 周红英, 李惠民, 2002. 大别山碰撞后镁铁-超镁铁岩的U-Pb同位素地球化学: 壳-幔相互作用及LOMU端元. 中国科学(D), 32: 625-634.下载

  288. 2001

  289. 李曙光, 黄方, 周红英, 李惠民, 2001. 大别山双河超高压变质岩及北部片麻岩的U-Pb同位素组成——对超高压岩石折返机制的制约. 中国科学(D), 31(12 ) 977-984.下载

  290. 李曙光, 黄方, 李晖, 2001. 大别-苏鲁造山带碰撞后的岩石圈拆离. 科学通报, 46: 1487-1491.下载

  291. Li S.-G.*, Huang F., Nie Y.-H., Han W.-L., Long G., Li H.-M., Zhang S.-Q., Zhang Z.-H., 2001. Geochemical and geochronological constraints on the suture location between the North and South China Block in the Dabie orogen, central China. Phys. Chem. Earth(A), 26: 655-672.下载

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