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2008.09 - 2012.06,合肥工业大学,资源与环境工程学院,学士

2012.09 - 2018.06,南京大学,地球科学与工程学院,博士













国家自然科学基金面上项目:V同位素示踪古元古代末期(1.65–1.62 Ga)海洋氧化还原状态演化,2025.01–2028.12,负责人

















18. Wei, W.*, Wang, H.*, Zhang, S., Dong, L.-H., Li, D., Huang, F., 2025. Dynamic redox evolution in the middle-late Mesoproterozoic oceans. Chem. Geol. 679, 122685.

17. Zhang, Y.-Q., Wei, W.*, Zhang, Z., Hu, X., Yu, H.-M., Huang, F., 2024. Rubidium isotope measurements of low-Rb geological materials by MC-ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research https://doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12593.

16. Yin, H., Wei, W.*, Jing, Z.*, Zou, C., Xu, W., Hao, J., Huang, F., 2024. Cd isotope evidence for elevated productivity in the Middle Triassic Ordos Basin. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 33, 13–19.

15. Wei, W.#*, Dong, L.-H.#, Xiao, S., Lin, Y.-B., Xu, L., Wei, G.-Y., Wang, W., Tian, L.-L., Wei, H.-Z., Huang, F.*, 2024. Seawater barium and sulfide removal improved marine habitability for the Cambrian Explosion of early animals. National Science Review 11(8), nwae237.

14. 卫炜*, 隋佩珊, 陈婷婷, 黄方, 2024. 新元古代氧化事件驱动海洋Ba循环变化. 高校地质学报, 30(3), 288-296.

13. Dong, L.-H., Wei, W.*, Xu, L., Lin, Y.-B., Liu, Z.-R., Pan, S., Jing, Z., Huang, F., 2024. Vanadium isotope evidence for seawater contribution to V enrichment/mineralization in early Cambrian metalliferous black shales. Science Bulletin 69(8), 1006-1010.

12. Tian, L.-L., Wei, W.*, Dong, L.-H., Pan, S., Jing, Z., Huang, F., 2023. Diagenetic effect on barium isotope compositions of barites in the lower Cambrian successions. Chemical Geology 635, 121631.

11. Wei, W.*, Chen, X., Ling, H.-F., Wu, F., Dong, L.-H., Pan, S., Jing, Z., Huang, F., 2023. Vanadium isotope evidence for widespread marine oxygenation from the late Ediacaran to early Cambrian. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 602, 117942.

10. Dong, L.H., Wei, W.*, Yu, C.L., Hou, Z.H., Zeng, Z., Chen, T., Huang, F., 2021. Determination of vanadium isotope compositions in carbonates using an Fe coprecipitation method and MC-ICP-MS. Analytical Chemistry 93, 7172-7179.

9. Wei, W.*, Zeng, Z., Shen, J, Tian, L.L., Wei, G.Y., Ling, H.F., Huang, F.*, 2021. Dramatic changes in the carbonate-hosted barium isotopic compositions in the Ediacaran Yangtze Platform. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 299, 113-129.

8. Wei, W.*, Frei, R., Klaebe, R., Tang, D., Wei, G.Y., Li, D., Tian, L.L., Huang, F., Ling, H.F.*, 2021. A transient swing to higher oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans at ~1.4 Ga. Precambrian Research 354, 106058.

7. 王相力, 卫炜*, 2020. 铬稳定同位素地球化学. 地学前缘, 27, 78-103.

6. Wei, W.*, Klaebe, R., Ling, H.F.*, Huang, F., Frei, R., 2020. Biogeochemical cycle of chromium isotopes at the modern Earth's surface and its applications as a paleo-environment proxy. Chemical Geology 541, 119570.

5. Wei, W., Frei, R., Gilleaudeau, G.J., Li, D., Wei, G.Y., Huang, F., Ling, H.F.*, 2020. Variations of redox conditions in the atmosphere and Yangtze Platform during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition: Constraints from Cr isotopes and Ce anomalies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 543, 109598.

4. Wei, W., Frei, R., Klaebe, R., Li, D., Wei, G., Ling, H.*, 2018. Redox condition in the Nanhua Basin during the waning of the Sturtian glaciation: a chromium-isotope perspective. Precambrian Research 319,198-210.

3. Wei, W., Frei, R., Chen, T., Klaebe, R., Wei, G., Li, D., Ling, H.*, 2018. Marine ferromanganese oxide: a potentially important sink of light chromium isotopes? Chemical Geology 495, 90-103.

2. Wei, W., Frei, R., Gilleaudeau, G., Li, D., Wei, G., Chen, X., Ling, H.*, 2018. Oxygenation variations in the atmosphere and shallow seawaters of the Yangtze Platform during the Ediacaran Period: clues from Cr-isotope and Ce-anomaly in carbonates. Precambrian Research 313, 78-90.

1. Wei, W., Wang, D.*, Li, D.*, Ling, H., Chen, X., Wei, G., Zhang, F., Zhu, X., Yan, B., 2016. The marine redox change and nitrogen cycle in the Early Cryogenian interglacial time: Evidence from nitrogen isotopes and Mo contents of the basal Datangpo Formation, northeastern Guizhou, South China. Journal of Earth Science 27, 233-241.


19. Fan, H., Zhang, H., Wei, W., Hiatt, E.E., Ward, J.F., Wen, H., 2024. Phosphorus flux during the Ediacaran: Rooted in continental weathering or pelagic upwelling? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 646, 118975.

18. Cheng, M., Wei, W., Chen, X., Wang, H., Feng, L., She, Z., Fu, Y., Algeo, T.J., Huang, F.*, Li, C.*, 2024. Active methane release from the early Cambrian seafloor? Clues from Ba isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 653, 112399.

17. Yang, X., Mao, J., Li, R., Huang, F., He, C., Zhao, C., Wei, W., Yang, G., Xiong, Y., Poulton, S.W., 2024. Fluctuating oxygenation and dynamic iron cycling in the late Paleoproterozoic ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 626, 118554.

16. He, Y., Gao, C., Wei, W., Liu, Y., 2023. Density Functional Theory Calculations of Equilibrium Mo Isotope Fractionation Factors among MoOxS4-x2- Species in the Aqueous Phase by the ONIOM Method. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 7, 142-155.

15. Wei, G.-Y., Wang, J., Planavsky, N.J., Zhao, M., Wei, W., Ling, H.-F., 2022. Reply to Cui: Comment on “On the origin of Shuram carbon isotope excursion in South China and its implication for Ediacaran atmospheric oxygen levels”. Precambrian Research 380, 106838.

14. Frederiksen, J.A., Wei, W., Rugen, E.J., Ling, H.-F., Frei, R., 2022. Cadmium isotopes in Late Ediacaran–Early Cambrian Yangtze Platform carbonates – Reconstruction of bioproductivity in ambient surface seawater. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 601, 111096.

13. Wei, G.-Y., Wang, J., Planavsky, N.J., Zhao, M., Bolton, E.W., Jiang, L., Asael, D., Wei, W., Ling, H.-F., 2022. On the origin of Shuram carbon isotope excursion in South China and its implication for Ediacaran atmospheric oxygen levels. Precambrian Research 375, 106673.

12. Wang, H., Wang, D., Wei, G.-Y., Ling, H.-F., Struck, U., Wei, W., Yao, S., Cheng, C., Li, J., Sun, Y., Wang, M., Zhu, X., 2022. Increases in marine environmental heterogeneity during the early animal innovations: Evidence from nitrogen isotopes in South China. Precambrian Research 369, 106501.

11. Zhao, Y., Wei, W., Santosh, M., Hu, J., Wei, H., Yang, J., Liu, S., Zhang, G., Yang, D., Li, S., 2022. A review of retrieving pristine rare earth element signatures from carbonates. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 586, 110765.

10.Zhao, Y., Wei, W., Li, S., Yang, T., Zhang, R., Somerville, I., Santosh, M., Wei, H., Wu, J., Yang, J., Chen, W., 2021. Rare earth element geochemistry of carbonates as a proxy for deep-time environmental reconstruction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 574, 110443.

9. Tian, L.L, Gong, Y.Z., Wei, W., Kang, J.T., Yu, H.M., Huang, F., 2020. Rapid determination of Ba isotope compositions for barites using a H2O-extraction method and MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 35, 1566-1573.

8. Wei, G.Y., Planavsky, N.J., Tarhan, L.G., He, T., Wang, D., Shields, G.A., Wei, W., Ling, H.F., 2020. Highly dynamic marine redox state through the Cambrian explosion highlighted by authigenic δ238U records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 544, 116361.

7. Wei, G., Wei, W., Wang, D., Li, T., Yang, X., Shields, G.A., Zhang, F., Li, G., Chen, T., Yang, T., 2020. Enhanced chemical weathering triggered an expansion of euxinic seawater in the aftermath of the Sturtian glaciation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 539, 116244.

6. Hohl, S.V., Jiang, S.Y., Viehmann, S., Wei, W., Liu, Q., Wei, H.Z., Galer, S.J., 2020. Trace Metal and Cd Isotope Systematics of the Basal Datangpo Formation, Yangtze Platform (South China) Indicate Restrained (Bio) Geochemical Metal Cycling in Cryogenian Seawater. Geosciences, 10, 36.

5. Wei, G.Y., Hood, A.v.S., Chen, X., Li, D., Wei, W., Wen, B., Gong, Z., Yang, T., Zhang, Z.F., Ling, H.F., 2019. Ca and Sr isotope constraints on the formation of the Marinoan cap dolostones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 511, 202-212.

4. Wei, G.Y., Planavsky, N.J., Tarhan, L.G., Chen, X., Wei, W., Li, D., Ling, H.F., 2018. Marine redox fluctuation as a potential trigger for the Cambrian explosion. Geology 46, 587-590.

3. 薛玮玮, 凌洪飞, 李达, 卫炜, 魏广祎, 高梦奇, 2018. 修水地区下寒武统富铀地层特征及其铀富集机制研究. 高校地质学报, 24, 210-221.

2. Wei, G., Ling, H., Li, D., Wei, W., Wang, D., Chen, X., Zhu, X., Zhang, F., Yan, B., 2017. Marine redox evolution in the early Cambrian Yangtze shelf margin area: evidence from trace elements, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes. Geological Magazine 154, 1344-1359.

1. 王丹, 凌洪飞, 姚素平, 李达, 卫炜, 魏广祎, 2016. 湖南会同寒武纪早期有机碳同位素地层学研究. 高校地质学报, 22, 274-288.

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