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2012年8月-2016年11月 约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU),地球与行星科学系,地球化学,硕士及博士。
2008年8月-2012年7月 中国科学技术大学,地球与空间科学学院,环境科学,学士。


2021年1月-今,Blue Marble Space Institute of Science (USA),兼职研究学者


(2)2021年至今,The Innovation期刊,青年编委
(3)2021年至今,Frontiers in Earth Science期刊,审稿人编辑
(4)2022年,23届International Mineralogical Association大会,召集人
(4)2019年至2020年,American Geophysical Union年会,召集人
(6)2019年,International Conference on Clay Science and Technology大会,召集人
(7)常年担任Nature Communications, Geology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geophysical Research Letters, Science Bulletin等期刊审稿人
(8)担任NASA Mars 2020 Participating Scientist Program、European Research Council Synergy Grants等项目评审专家
(9)International Society for the Study of Origin of Life、中国矿物与岩石地球化学学会等学会会员




(4)2021年,加拿大高层研究院,CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar;


  • 国家自然基金委面上项目,早期地球透光层中有机磷的光化学降解及其对生命物质起源的影响机制(61.0万元).责任人:郝记华,执行年份:2022-2025

  • 科技部国家重点研发项目,示踪元古宙中期地球宜居性演化的金属稳定同位素技术(400.0万元).责任人:郝记华,执行年份:2021-2026

  • 公共服务



    (1)Farr#, O., Hao#*, J., Liu, W., Fehon, N., Reinfelder, J.R., Yee, N., Falkowski*, P.G. (2023) Archean Phosphorus Recycling Facilitated by Ultraviolet Radiation. PNAS, in press (共同一作和通讯)
    (2)Walton*, C.R., Hao#, J., Huang, F., Jenner, F.E., Williams, H., Zerkle, A.L., Kipp, A., Hazen, R.M., Peters, S.E., Shorttle, O. (2023) Global nutrient supply reshaped by continental sediment accumulation. Science Advances 9 (18), eade6923 (共同通讯作者)
    (3)Walton, C.R., Ewens, S., Coates, J.D., Blake, R., Planavsky, N.J., Reinhard, C., Ju, P., Hao#, J., Pasek#, M.A. (2023) Phosphorus availability on the early Earth and the impacts of life. Nature Geoscience (共同通讯作者)
    (4)Zhang, Z., Jiang, H., Ju, P., Pan, L., Rouillard, J., Zhou, G., Huang, F., Hao, J#. (2023) Evaluating the abiotic synthesis potential and the stability of building blocks of life beneath an impact-induced steam atmosphere. Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1032073 (通讯作者).
    (5)Hao, J., Liu, W., Goff, J.L., Steadman, J.A., Large, R.R., Falkowski, P.G., Yee, N. (2022) Anoxic photochemical weathering of pyrite on Archean continents. Science Advances 8(26), eabn2226.
    (6)Hao, J., Glein, C., Huang, F., Yee, N., Catling, D., Hazen, R.M., Postberg, F., Hillier, J.K. (2022) Abundant phosphorus for life in the Enceladus ocean. PNAS, 119 (39), e2201388119
    (7)Zheng, Z., Wang, X., Jin, J., Hao#, J., Nie, Y., Chen, X., Mou, J., Emslie, S.D., Liu#, X. (2022) Fraction distribution and dynamic cycling of phosphorus in lacustrine sediment at Inexpressible Island, Antarctica. Environment International 164, 107228. (共同通讯作者)
    (8)Hao#, J., Knoll, A.H., Fang, H., Schieber, J., Hazen, R.M., Daniel, I. (2020) Cycling of phosphorus on the Archean Earth: Part II. Phosphorus Limitation on Primary Production in Archean Ecosystems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 280, 360-377.
    (9)Hao#, J., Knoll, A.H., Fang, H., Hazen, R.M., Daniel, I. (2020) Cycling of phosphorus on the Archean Earth: Part I. Continental weathering and riverine transport of phosphorus. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 273, 70-84.
    (10)Moore*#, E.K., Hao*, J., Spielman, S.J., Yee, N. (2020) The Evolving Redox Chemistry and Bioavailability of Vanadium in Deep Time. Geobiology, 18(2), 127-138. (共同第一作者;Wiley 2020-2021年度高被引论文)
    (11)Hao#, J., Sverjensky, D.A., and Hazen, R.M. (2019) Redox states of Archean surficial environments: the importance of H2,g instead of O2,g for weathering reactions. Chemical Geology, 521, 49-58.
    (12)Hao#, J., Mokhtari, M., Pedreira-Segade, U., Michot, L.M., and Daniel#, I. (2019) Transition metals enhance the adsorption of nucleotides onto clay: implications for the origin of life. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3(1), 109-119.
    (13)Hao#, J., Giovenco, E., Pedreira-Segade, U., Montagnac, G., Daniel, I. (2018) Compatibility of amino acids in ice Ih: implications for the origin of life. Astrobiology, 18, 381-392.(封面文章)
    (14)Hao#, J., Sverjensky, D.A., and Hazen, R.M. (2017) Mobility of nutrients and trace elements during weathering on the Archean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 148-159.
    (15)Hao#, J., Sverjensky, D.A. and Hazen, R.M. (2017) A model for late Archean chemical weathering and world average river water. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, 191-203.

    15. Liu, Y., Ling, Y., Yang, Z., Liu, X., Lei, J., Hao, J. (2023) Laboratory generation of hazes in Titan’s upper atmosphere using ECR plasma. Planetary and Space Science, 229, 105661.
    16. Andreani, M., Montagnac, G., Fellah, C., Hao, J., Vandier, F., Daniel, I., Pisapia, C., Galipaud, J., Lilley, M.D., Fruh Green, G.L., Borensztajn, S., Menez, B. (2023) The rocky road to organics needs drying. Nature Communications, 14, 347.
    17. Chen, J., Jiang, H., Tang, M., Hao, J., Tian, M., Chu, X. (2022) Venus’ light slab hinders its development of planetary-scale subduction. Nature Communications 13(7647).
    18. Moore, E.K., Golden, J., Morrison, S., Hao, J., Spielman, S.J. (2022) The expanding network of mineral chemistry throughout earth history reveals global shifts in crustal chemistry during the Proterozoic. Scientific Reports 12, 4956.
    19. 刘翰林,邹才能,邱振,潘松圻,张文正,荆振华,郝记华,尹帅,吴松涛,李士祥,郭秋雷. (2022)鄂尔多斯盆地延长组7 段3 亚段异常高有机质沉积富集因素,石油学报,43(10)。
    20. Tang, M., Chu, X., Hao, J., Shen, B. (2021) Orogenic quiescence in Earth’s middle age. Science, 371(6530),728-731.
    21. Montagnac, G., Hao, J., Pedreira-Segade, U., Daniel, I. (2021) Detection of nucleotides absorbed onto clay by UV Resonant Raman Spectroscopy: a step towards the search for biosignatures on Mars. Applied Clay Science, 200, 105824.
    22. Huang, F., Barbier, S., Tao, R., Hao, J., and others. (2020) Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization. Geoscience Data Journal.
    23. Liu, W., Hao, J., Yee, N., Elzinga, E.J., Piotrowiak, P., Nanda, V., Falkowski, P. (2020) Anoxic photogeochemical oxidation of manganese carbonate yields manganese oxide. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. USA 117(37).
    24. 周强,姜允斌,郝记华,季峻峰,李伟# (2020) 磷的生物地球化学循环研究进展, 高校地质学报
    25. Huang#, F., Barbier, S., Tao, R., Hao, J., et al. (2020) A review of H2, CH4 and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis, Frontiers in Earth Science 8
    26. Mignon#, P., Corbin, G., Le Crom, S., Marry, V., Hao, J., Daniel, I. (2020) Adsorption of Nucleotides on Clay Surfaces. Effects of mineral composition, pH and solution salts. Applied Clay Science, 190, 105544.
    27. Huang#, J., Hao, J., Huang, F., Sverjensky, D. (2019) Mobility of chromium in high-temperature crustal and upper mantle fluids. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 12, 1-6.
    28. Pedreira-Segade#, U., Hao, J., Montagnac, G., Cardon, H., Daniel, I. (2019) Spontaneous polymerization of glycine under hydrothermal conditions. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3(8), 1669-1677.
    29. Pedreira-Segade, U., Hao, J., Razafitianamaharavo, A., Pelletier, M., Marry, V., Le Crom, S., Michot, L., Daniel#, I. (2018) How do nucleotides adsorb onto clays? Life, 8(4), 59.
    30. Moore#, E.K., Hao, J., Prabhu, A., Zhong, H., Jelen, B.I., Meyer, M., Hazen, R.M., Falkowski, P.G. (2018) Geological and chemical factors that impacted the biological utilization of cobalt in the Archean era. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123, 743-759.
    31. Estrada#, C.F., Mamajov, I., Hao, J., Sverjensky, D.A., Cody, G.D., Hazen, R.M. (2017) Aspartate transformation at 200 °C with brucite [Mg(OH)2], NH3, and H2: implications for prebiotic molecules in hydrothermal systems. Chemical Geology, 457, 162-172. Invited research article

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