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2018.10– 2023.4: 日本冈山大学行星物质研究所
2015.9 – 2018.6: 浙江大学地球科学学院
2011.9 – 2015.6: 江西师范大学地理与环境学院





2021.10-2023.3: Okayama University, Science, Technology, and Innovation Creation Fellowship (OU Fellowship)
2018.10-2021.9: Research Assistant & IPM Scholarship, Okayama University

1. 板片地球物理结构对弧岩浆岩 Mg 同位素特征的控制:来自伊豆弧和西南日本弧熔岩的证据,2023-2025年,博士后科学基金面上资助,资助编号:2023M743359,8万,主持
2. 冷和热俯冲带火山岩的Mg同位素组成示踪俯冲蛇纹岩再循环,2025-2028年,国家自然科学基金青年项目,资助编号:42403003,30万,主持


1. Zhang, W., Kitagawa, H., & Nakamura, E. (in press). Lithium Isotope Constraints on Slab and Mantle Contribution to Arc Magmas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
2. Zhang, W., Tanaka, R., Kitagawa, H., Bohlin, M., & Nakamura, E. (2022). A rapid method of simultaneous chromatographic purification of Li and Mg for isotopic analyses using MC-ICP-MS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 480, 116893, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijms.2022.116893.
3. Zhang, W., Zhang, F., Zhu, K., Dilek, Y., Wu, H., Chen, D. & Chen, H. (2021). Basin response to the Jurassic geodynamic turnover from flat subduction to normal subduction in South China. Geological Society of America Bulletin 134, 1681-1700. doi.org/10.1130/B36059.1
4. Zhang, F., Wu, H., Dilek, Y., Zhang, W., Zhu, K. & Chen, H. (2020). Guadalupian (Permian) onset of subduction zone volcanism and geodynamic turnover from passive- to active-margin tectonics in southeast China. Geological Society of America Bulletin 132, 130-148.
5. Wu, H., Cheng, X., Chen, H., Chen, C., Dilek, Y., Shi, J., Zeng, C., Li, C., Zhang, W., Zhang, Y., Lin, X. & Zhang, F. (2021). Tectonic switch from Triassic contraction to Jurassic-Cretaceous extension in the western Tarim Basin, Northwest China: New insights into the evolution of the Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 636383.
6. Zhang, W., Wu, H. X., Zhu, K. Y., Zhang, K. F., Xing, X. L., Chen, D. X., Chen, H. L. & Zhang, F. Q. (2018). The Jurassic magmatism and its tectonic setting in the eastern margin of South China: Evidence from the volcanic rocks of the Maonong Formation in the SE Zhejiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica 34, 3375-3398.

7.Wei Zhang, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Fang Huang, 2025. Magnesium isotope composition of volcanic rocks from cold and warm subduction zones: Implications for the recycling of subducted serpentinites and carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Accepted.

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